Together Everyone Achieves More

Amber Lovell • Director of the Flock
Intentional - this word is just a glimpse of getting to know Amber. She takes on every single moment with a purpose, both in business & her family life. She pours unwavering support & love into her friends, family & this company. Amber's vision & execution will always have Pink Flamingo striving for excellent quality & service.
Hobbies? " I love getting to take my dalmations, Zoey & Dipper, to the park, hanging with my family & always up for any adventure or shenanigans Dustin & I can find. "
Favorite Holiday & Why? " Halloween - I love any good reason for a costume! "
Favorite Dish to Cook? " Not parmesan chicken...hahaha! "
Fun Fact about you? " Does anyone ever actually enjoy answering this question? "

Peyton White • General Manager
So many ways to describe Peyton - a friend, a mother, a sister... but to us - she is our glue. This lady keeps us on track and working together. As general manager, she wears many different hats, but she wears each one with a smile and great attitude. If you know Peyton, you love her!
Hobbies? "I rearrange my house constantly, always up for going out with my girlies, keeping Amber & Melinda on their toes at all times, but above all else, I LOVE being Baker's mom!"
Favorite Holiday & Why? " Valentine's Day is cute with the red/pink combo, plus it's my little brother's birthday! "
Favorite Dish to Cook? " My dad's twice baked potatoes. "
Fun Fact about you? " I am veto-ing the fun fact question. "

Melinda Cohea • Director of Client Relations
Melinda spends her days talking.... on the phone, in person, in the car to & from events - you name it. She is always working to grow & strengthen our connection with the most important people in our business, our clients & fellow vendors. Being a part of the community is what Pink Flamingo is all about & we want to make sure it remains a priority!
Hobbies? "Being Eric's wife & Cameron & William's mom! Time with friends & family is what I enjoy the most. I want to be doing whatever the day brings our way - riding horses, kayaking, home renos or just hanging out & being together."
Favorite Holiday & Why? "Independence Day - I love the fun & happiness the day creates when everyone gets together to show their patriotism. Seriously loving firework shows adds to making it my favorite too!"
Favorite Dish to Cook? Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
Fun Fact about you? " What Peyton says, goes.... "

Karen French • Wedding Coordinator
Karen just loves weddings!! It is a true passion. A hobby would be something for a few years, but Karen has been in the wedding industry for ___ years.... that's a lifestyle by now. We are so thankful she has joined our team to bring so much of her background. Karen has a strict office routine that keeps her organized & professional by day, but then can throw on her party hat for a night of weddings! Karen's other assets are her love for charcuterie tables, making friends with everyone she meets & remembering faces, names, & events she has worked! Karen holds high standards for those on her team & those standards we hope will spread as we all continue to learn from each other.
Hobbies? "I love hanging out with my kids & my granddaughter. I enjoy going to my cabin at Pickwick too! "
Favorite Holiday & Why? " Thanksgiving - I am a big believer in being thankful for what God has given you and being with family. That is what Thanksgiving is all about. "
Favorite Dish to Cook? "I hate to cook - haha!"
Fun Fact about you? " I'm not going to be the only one to answer :) "

Tireca Turner • Chef
AKA - RERE - in our kitchen! Rere walks into the kitchen meaning business. Her well diverse background & years of experience in the industry make her a great asset to the team. She always tells us like it is, stays one step ahead of everyone & always has the team's best interest at heart. ReRe has a beautiful voice & always fills the quiet time with a song or two. Her laugh can be heard a mile away & is as distinct as her personality. We are so blessed to have her on this team & look forward to her growth.
Hobbies? "I am not really sure - just whatever comes up :) "
Favorite Holiday & Why? " I don't have a favorite holiday, but really love any occasion to bake & decorate a cake."
Favorite Dish to Cook? " I love to cook broccoli chicken & cheese casserole!"
Fun Fact about you? " I'm with boss lady....does anyone like answering this question?"

Travis Nelson • Chef
Travis is a 6 ft teddy bear! At first glance he is intimidating, but under that tough exterior & football shoulders, Travis is a family man & a hard worker. Travis comes in everyday dedicated to excelling at the task at hand & ensuring everything is covered. We are grateful for his hard work & loyalty. Outside of the kitchen, he is always lending a hand where needed & making someone somewhere laugh. Travis has no shortage of goofball in him.
Hobbies? "Watching sports!! Go Cowboys!!"
Favorite Holiday & Why? "Christmas is my favorite holiday because it is a great time to spend with the family & loved ones."
Favorite Dish to Cook? " Mashed Potatoes "
Fun Fact about you? " I love to make people laugh. Playing around & jokes make the day go by faster."

Greg Champion • Chef
Cori Umstead - Sous Chef
Hobbies? I love spending time with my husband and kids, helping with our small business, going on day trips whenever possible and just having fun with my family and friends.
Favorite Holiday & Why? Independence Day because it includes some of my favorite things Family, Fireworks and Freedom!
Favorite Dish to Cook? Homemade Baked Ziti or Italian dishes
Fun Fact about you? I agree with everyone above :)

Raegan Hackney - Pantry Chef
Hobbies? " I love to volunteer in my church coffee shop and practice my latte art! "
Favorite Holiday & Why? " I absolutely LOVE Christmas, it’s a time for all of my family to get together and cook, play games, and of course get gifts! "
Favorite Dish to Cook? " Definitely not a master chef, but I do make a great crème brûlée! "
Fun Fact about you? " I'm with Karen...I’m not going be the only one to answer this question LOL! "